2025 Calendar Designer Template
The 2025 Calendar Designer template file gives you complete control over the holidays listed on your calendars. You can select individual holidays to display or hide. You can even add your own holidays.
Graphical elements are added for many of the holidays. You can even turn these graphics on and off - they are added as a separate layer for you to control.
Calendar Designer Features
Just a couple of clicks and you’ve created a wonderful calendar page.
The calendar file created keeps all months as a separate layer - allowing you to set whatever month you’d like.
Change the background color. Use any color in the color picker or use the eyedropper and select a color in your image.
Make your calendar pop by adding texture to the background.
Change the color of the banner on top of the calendar grid. Use any color in the color picker or use the eyedropper to select a color in your image.
Two text layers are automatically added for your name and the image title.
Major federal holidays are included on a separate layer. Turn them on or off, whatever you’d prefer.
Holidays are included on their own layer, allowing you to include or omit any holiday you wish.
Many holidays include colorful graphics.
All calendars are standard 8 1/2 x 11 inches.
All calendars are designed to be coil bound - this makes a great gift or promotional item.
Multiple layouts - single-page vertical design with the image over the calendar or horizontal single-page design with the image and calendar side by side.
2-page calendar design - when opened up, the image is on the upper page, and the calendar is on the lower page. Designed to be spiral bound.
Plus, additional background options.